
Democracy Needs Democrats


Political foundations are instrumental in fostering democratic societies and political systems characterized by pluralism, the rule of law, human rights, and solidarity. Engaging in extensive political education, policy development, and international development aid, these foundations significantly impact democratization efforts. Key to their role is the promotion of transparency and inclusivity within political parties, vital for the stabilization of democracies in transition. By advocating political dialogue and addressing policy gaps, political foundations are pivotal in guiding voters towards informed decision-making, countering the influence of disinformation, ignorance, and fear.

This publication presents a comprehensive analysis of political foundation models in European democracies, assessing their strengths and limitations concerning the democratic maturity of the Western Balkans. It also examines regional organizations functioning akin to political foundations, despite varying statuses. Concluding with a synthesis of research findings, the paper offers strategic policy recommendations to support the cultivation of political foundations in the Western Balkans, aimed at stakeholders committed to advancing democratic principles.


political foundation
party foundation

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