Integrity Talks

Promoting Political Ethics in the Balkans, One Conversation at a Time

Countries in the Balkans are struggling to solidify their democracies. Many issues are at play, like corruption, political polarization, and ethnic conflict, but cutting across them is the quintessential need
for responsible, accountable, and inclusive politics--democratic leadership in other words. And while it may seem improbable, political parties in the Balkans are changing the way they operate, from handling
public finance to diversifying their candidate pools to coming up with policies that respond to pressing concerns, like jobs, the environment, emigration, gender equality, human rights, and of course the Covid-19

Please join NDI in a timely series of podcast conversations--Integrity Talks--on the intersection between politics, democracy, and leadership, with politicians, civil society leaders, journalists, academic experts--
and me! Along the way we'll be inviting you into the conversation, to share your thoughts and suggestions.

Please join us!

-- Ana Radicevic, Director, NDI's Political Party Initiative in the Balkans

We sat down with Ms. Khushbu Agrawal, Programme Officer at International IDEA, to discuss why transparency in political finance is critical for democracy. Stay tuned!

Integrity Talks #2: What is Hate Speech, and How can Politicians Put a Lid on it? Featuring Prof. Dr. Lejla Turčilo

Integrity Talks #1: 'Political Ethics' Really a Thing, or Basically an Oxymoron? Featuring Professor Čedomir Čupić

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